From May 20th to 23rd, the 3rd western China international investment and trade fair was held in chongqing international expo center, with the theme of "entering the west, negotiating the future", our company and some well-known local enterprises participated in this exhibition.

       The Fair is mainly divided into two parts: theme activities and exhibitions, and a series of supporting activities. In terms of theme exhibitions, there are 8 theme pavilions, which are International Pavilion, Regional Cooperation Pavilion, Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle Pavilion, Chongqing Pavilion, Famous Enterprises Pavilion, Automobile and Motorcycle Industry Pavilion, and Big Health Industry Pavilion.

        During the exhibition, county magistrate gong jun led the team to yucai booth, the scene for the display of products, and recommended to the majority of consumers and guests wuxi famous local specialties. Gong Jun said that the Fair is an important platform for regional cooperation and exchange as well as foreign economic and trade exchanges. We should take this opportunity to do a good job in publicity and promotion and enhance the image of Wuxi. All departments should effectively coordinate with each other, optimize the investment environment, introduce a number of enterprises and projects with innovative capacity, core technologies and high growth value, so that industrial investment can truly be implemented and bear fruit.

        The person in charge of our company, Li Jian, said: the West China Investment and Investment Fair is an important carrier to promote the opening up and cooperation in the western region. Our company will actively make good use of this platform, make use of the advantages of Wuxi in industry, resources, geography and other aspects, accelerate the development of enterprises, boost the economic construction of Wuxi, and strive to make greater contributions to the development of Wuxi.