On the morning of January 7, Deng Jubo, director of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress of Wuxi County, and Xiong Li, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee of Wuxi County, led the deputies to the people's Congress of Wuxi County to inspect the construction of key projects and the development of the company. County leaders Li Xianbin, Huang zuosheng, Zhang Zhiqiang, Wang Hongbing and Du Linlin attended the inspection. Li Jian, chairman of Chongqing Yucai Educational Equipment Co., Ltd., expressed warm welcome to all leaders and representatives!

     Through on-the-spot inspection, the county leaders and representatives highly praised our production development concept, good brand image and characteristic corporate culture, fully affirmed the scientific and technological level, functional design and ecological environment of Chongqing Yucai factory, and expressed appreciation for Chongqing Yucai's digital, intelligent and standardized intelligent manufacturing technology for desks and chairs throughout all links of the production chain And hope Chongqing Yucai has the courage to innovate, unite and forge ahead, and give back to consumers and society with more products of extreme quality.

    Li Jian, chairman of the board of directors of the company, on behalf of the company, expressed his thanks to the NPC deputies, CPPCC members and local government for their long-term support. He stressed that the rapid development of the company is inseparable from the concern and support of leaders from all walks of life. We will always adhere to the principle of "innovation for education" The core idea of "escort for health" is to make greater contribution to the economic development of Wuxi County, and people from all walks of life are welcome to continue to supervise and guide the company at any time.